Wuggs - Sweat Free Research conducted by RMIT University.
Posted by JOHN KELLY

RMIT Research Summary “Wallaby – a light weight warm material with some surprising features.” Rajiv Padhye Director, Centre for Materials Innovation and Future Fashions , School of Fashion and Textiles, College of Design and Social Context and RMIT University Everyone knows Tasmania is the home for all things unique and amazing. Well now, a Tasmanian company has launched the latest and greatest in urban comfort, Wuggs – uggs boots made from wallaby fur. Lenah Game Meats processes wallaby (which are super-abundant in Tasmania, there’s over 3 million of them) under government license for human consumption meat and...
Wallaby talk: Farts, Global Warming and more!
Posted by JOHN KELLY

There are so many good reasons to make the switch to Wallaby. Nutritionally, wallaby is high in protein and low in fat, which supports your body providing you with 65% of your daily protein needs in one serve. Wallaby meat also contains long chain omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which helps to keep your body heathy in numerous ways. But in case you needed another great reason, by choosing to make the switch to wallaby, you are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions… how? Methane (CH4) accounts for 30% of global warming worldwide. According to the Global Methane...